Rollercoin Indonesian Wild Holidays is the newest Rollercoin limited time event and offers free rewards to boost your passive crypto income. Like with other Rollercoin limited time events, this event will only be around for a short time. You can earn 25 different rewards, including 7 different miners, entirely for free. Keep reading to find out the full reward list and everything else you need to know for Rollercoin Indonesian Wild Holidays!

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Rollercoin Indonesian Wild Holidays Event Start Date and End Date

Indonesian Wild Holidays November 16 - November 30
Rollercoin Indonesian Wild Holidays will last from November 16th to November 30th.

The Rollercoin Indonesian Wild Holidays Event lasts for 2 weeks, roughly the same as other Rollercoin limited time events. Indonesian Wild Holidays began on November 16th and will end on November 30th. This limited time event won’t be around forever, so you have to act quick to earn free rewards!

How to Earn Points in Rollercoin Indonesian Wild Holidays

Rollercoin Indonesian Wild Holidays Interface. Current Reward, Unicorn Dancer,  also RLT Multiplier, Points Needed, Quests, and Remaining Time.
Main Interface for Rollercoin Indonesian Wild Holidays with Current Reward, Time left in Event, and Quests to Earn Points.

Earning points in Rollercoin Indonesian Wild Holidays is very similar to previous limited time events. There are 2 main ways to earn points in this limited time event.

The first way to earn points in Rollercoin Indonesian Wild Holidays is by simply spending RLT, or Rollercoin Token. You can earn 1,000 points for every 1 RLT you spend. The amount of points you earn is calculated very precisely, with a more precise figure of 1 point for every .001 RLT spent. You don’t have to spend your RLT in the shop to earn points, you can earn points for Rollercoin Indonesian Wild Holidays by spending RLT in other ways like through the marketplace or merging.

The second, and free, way to earn points for Rollercoin Indonesian Wild Holidays is by leveling up in mini games. You will earn 500 points every time you level up in a mini game. Leveling up requires that you successfully complete a game 3 times. The maximum level of each game is 10, with levels slowly decreasing back to 1 when you take a break. Successfully completing a game often takes less than 1 minute, allowing you to earn about 500 points every 3 minutes completely for free.

RLT Multiplier

RLT Multiplier. Buy RLT to increase your multiplier x.2 for 1 RLT.
Multiply your earnings by spending RLT.

Another returning feature to Rollercoin Indonesian Wild Holidays is the RLT Multiplier. Like with previous seasons, you can earn an increased amount of points by buying RLT. You can increase your multiplier by x.2 for every 1 RLT you spend, to a maximum of 10x. Keep in mind that this power only lasts for 1 hour. You can increase and maintain your power by buying RLT within 1 hour though.

For a more in-depth explanation of the RLT Multiplier, check out one of our previous guides!

Rollercoin Indonesian Wild Holidays Exclusive Rewards

Rollercoin Indonesian Wild Holidays offers 2 exclusive miners you can earn for free. You can also earn an exclusive cosmetic called the Crypto Peci Hat. The 2 exclusive miners available in Rollercoin Indonesian Wild Holidays are

  • Fairy Dancer – 90.74 Th/s Mining Power and 0% Bonus Power
  • Unicorn Dancer – 303.6 Th/s Mining Power and 0% Bonus Power

Just like with Rollercoin Dia de Muertos, you can earn XP for your season pass for Rollercoin Season 6: Magic Carnival in Rollercoin Indonesian Wild Holidays! You can earn 505 XP for your season pass, or the equivalent of just over one full level.

Speaking of Season 6, Check Out Our Rollercoin Season 6: Magic Carnival Guide Here!

Rollercoin Indonesian Wild Holidays Full Rewards List

LevelLevel XPTotal XPRewardMining PowerBonus Power
15005001 Day Mining Power – 15 Th/s
21,0001,50010 RST
34,0005,50025 Season Pass XP
42,0007,500Crypto Peci Hat
54,00011,50025 RST
612,50024,00055 Season Pass XP
77,00031,0003 Day Mining Power – 25 Th/s
88,50039,50045 RST
932,50072,000125 Event Pass Experience
1012,50084,500.75 RLT
1182,500167,000Mergedge3.825 Th/s0%
1221,000188,0003 Day Mining Power – 50 Th/s
1392,500280,500300 Season Pass XP
1431,500312,000170 RST
15230,000542,000Hasher’s Egg21.6 Th/s0%
1650,000592,0002.5 RLT
17161,000753,000JBS-20013 Th/s.5%
1860,500813,500300 RST
19476,5001,290,000Fairy Dancer90.74 Th/s
20151,0001,441,0007.5 RLT
21149,5001,590,500750 RST
22632,5002,233,000JBS-14427.7 Th/s1%
23210,0002,433,00010 RLT
24277,0002,710,0008Blessed33 Th/s0%
251,290,0004,000,000Unicorn Dancer303.6 Th/s0%


Rollercoin Indonesian Wild Holidays is a great way to increase your passive crypto income on Rollercoin, with 7 different miners and 2 being totally exclusive to this event. Rollercoin Indonesian Wild Holidays ends on November 30th, so act quick to get the most out of this limited time event! Use your RLT multiplier strategically to maximize your earnings from spending RLT and leveling up in mini games.

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